Saturday, 7 November 2009

Getting to know you, Getting to know myself.

This year when it comes to answering the big question at midnight, "What are your new years resolutions for 2010?" My answer will be to continue doing the things that make me happy.

I enjoy smoking. Allot. I love the way it feels when in inhale and exhale. I Love it even more when i have a glass of wine in my hand on a Friday night out with my friends. And the best thing about smoking is at the end of the day, when i get home from work and i have my first cigarette of the day it makes me feel like all is right with the world. Sure I'm not a full time smoker. I Don't wake up in the morning and have to, Need to have a cigarette to get me through the day. But it is my non-guilty pleasure which i may, or may not one day give up.

Spending money. I'm a financial nightmare. I'm not in debt and never will be. I make it impossible for myself by not borrowing money. The money i have is the money I've got to last me for the month and if I've spent it all before the next pay day so what? I enjoy indulging in nice things. I like being in the city shopping or sitting in a nice cafe, walking anywhere and everywhere. Most of all i like to be surrounded by people weather i know them or not. I don't like spending time on my own, i want to be out there meeting people and getting to know them. I like dipping in and out of other peoples worlds and seeing how they live. I like to think I'm never
bored and if i think I'm bored I'll walk somewhere, or I'll get on a train and see where i end up.
I've been living by this rule only for a few months, but in those last few months life has been so much better and so much more rewarding.

The only thing that would make this life any more perfect than it is right now is someone to share it with. I've been single for far to long. I've become the "friend we can set up with our friend Ben from the office. You will love him, he is just so funny!". I hate being single, hate it with a passion, but that doesn't mean i want to be set up with that guy, or that every attractive man i meet i want to jump into a relationship with. But i would like a relationship. A Grown up relationship with flowers and chocolates and sweet, sickening romance.

But other than that, honestly? i wouldn't change my life for the world right now or on the 1st of January 2010. Because the dangerous, unhealthy things we do are the things that make me the happiest.

Welcome to my life. Ani x

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